
A Unique Blend of Skill & Innovation

Onyx Consulting Services, LLC, has a diverse team of highly trained professionals who combine their knowledge with a unique blend of skill and innovation. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and honesty. We are committed to providing quality and value-added services to our customers.

Onyx Consulting Services, LLC

Our Mission & Values

Our consultants utilize their knowledge of business and technology to create positive organizational changes, develop efficient business processes, and generate system-wide benefits in cost, quality, and flexibility.

At Onyx Consulting Services, LLC, we understand that we must not only consider our customer’s current needs but anticipate our customer’s future needs while recommending solutions.

Our Promise

At Onyx Consulting Services, LLC, we stick to our promise of providing quality solutions and value-added services to our customers. Our mission is to do what we think is right, on every job, every day.

  • Integrity – We commit to conducting all business activities honestly, truthfully, and ethically.
  • Teamwork - Onyx Consulting Services, LLC, embraces a collaborative work environment. We encourage team synergy beyond stifling individual thought.
  • Quality – We believe that quality is accomplished by continually striving to deliver solutions and services that meet or exceed our customers’ expectations.
  • Corporate philanthropy – We understand that we not only have a responsibility to empower our work community, but we also work towards making a difference beyond the walls of our organization in the social community.
  • Work-Life balance – We value the professional and personal growth of our team.

Corporate Citizenship

At the heart of Onyx Consulting Services, LLC, is a diverse team of highly trained professionals who combine their knowledge with a unique blend of skill and innovation to develop and deliver the best possible products and solutions to our customers. Onyx Consulting Services, LLC, believes that our methods are just as important as our end product.

Onyx Consulting Services, LLC, was founded on a set of values that encourage dedication and self-discipline, yet fosters work-life balance. We believe that creating a supportive culture where people feel free to make their own decisions is inextricably linked to producing a better product for our customers.

“In all our interactions, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and honesty. We believe that it’s more important to do the “right thing” rather than to compromise our values or take an easy way out.”

These fundamental characteristics are reflected throughout our organization and are critical components of the strength and quality our team delivers to our customers.